Thursday 2 May 2013

Night shiff

hye. thanks and syukur alhamdulilah to allah :)
i stilll alive today ,i'm still at office :) to finishing my report.tomorrow 3.5.13 is my last day as internship student here. i'm glad to be here. knowing with all people here. alhamdulilah, god give me a best environment.. alhamdulilah ya allah. thank to en.wan shariman cause accept me as internship student here. thank to kak erny, kak ikin which treat me like their own lil sis. btw i would like to wish congrate ti her for her first baby. she pregnant and i wish the best for her. Aamin :)
thank to kak ira, umi, syafaat, syahril, en,zul, remy,iskandar, kak liza, en.norman and all staff here. i'm really happy and i'm proud to be here. like a one family :) with all intern student here. thanks a lot. i really happy to be here.

Masyithah which always help me, johny which always joke with me. andika also help me to finish my system project. thank to all and i wish i could be one of this family at this office :)

i'm really sad because tomorrow will be my last day as internship student here. i really love this environment and i wish i get a chance to continue as worker here. :) Aamin :)
oke all. night :)