Thursday 2 May 2013

Night shiff

hye. thanks and syukur alhamdulilah to allah :)
i stilll alive today ,i'm still at office :) to finishing my report.tomorrow 3.5.13 is my last day as internship student here. i'm glad to be here. knowing with all people here. alhamdulilah, god give me a best environment.. alhamdulilah ya allah. thank to en.wan shariman cause accept me as internship student here. thank to kak erny, kak ikin which treat me like their own lil sis. btw i would like to wish congrate ti her for her first baby. she pregnant and i wish the best for her. Aamin :)
thank to kak ira, umi, syafaat, syahril, en,zul, remy,iskandar, kak liza, en.norman and all staff here. i'm really happy and i'm proud to be here. like a one family :) with all intern student here. thanks a lot. i really happy to be here.

Masyithah which always help me, johny which always joke with me. andika also help me to finish my system project. thank to all and i wish i could be one of this family at this office :)

i'm really sad because tomorrow will be my last day as internship student here. i really love this environment and i wish i get a chance to continue as worker here. :) Aamin :)
oke all. night :)

Tuesday 30 April 2013


hye today is LABOUR DAY, so HAPPY LABOUR DAY's to all workers out there and inside here. hahaha, to me also :) *yeah happy labour day to :)

okay, today i'm work :) . i just on my we-chat at office because i'm using this office WiFi line. so if i not going to work i will offline. there nobody can contact me :) so this morning i'm on my wifi line and i got some wechat voice message from my ex-boyfriend :) mr. Z, he told me that he is ontheway to going to kl. that is yesterday message , then i text him, morning and wish "HAPPY LABOUR DAY " and he reply it. then we chitchat till he ask me where i will going to work after i end my practical session. i told him that i got an offer from this company.and he also give me some advice "jangan nak enjoy sgt" yeah i know it man. well thanks for give me some advice :) u make my day smile :)

oke. even he is just my ex , i was lying if i say that i never love him. i always love him because he is my memory. which i smile and i cry when i think about it, but my love to him is not like before and to accept him is hard for me. because i already know who is he actually and what he do to me before is make me realize about something.

i always remember every second that i spent with him, every tears that i waste for him. and now i accept him back as my friend. it hard to forget him but i realize that it he is not for me, in what way i have done he still not for me. so i thak to allah and i know allah was plan something better for me. insyaallah :) AAmIN :)


haish.. pening nak memikirkan. dah banyak masalah saja je aku nak tambah lagi masalah. kenapa aku ni terlalu takut untuk berdikari dan berhadapan dengan risiko ?? WHY  !! please herda wati! wake up and be more matured. u need to be young! indipendent.
i will finish my internship on this 3 may 2013. the point right now is i want to back kuantan on 4 may. but i really really don't know how to go there. YA ALLAH, please help me. make me to be the brave one. who can face the fate. haishhh sometime i realize that i'm a bad person which just know to "MENGELUH" but never want to change or fix it. what a shame on me. to tired to think. maybe there something besides what was happen on me now. god know everything and i hope it just only the best for me. Aamin :)

i want to learn to be someone which is indipendent but how? I NEED TO CHANGE !! yeah because i still have a chance :)

oh no! i really feel bad because i ask my friend about the due of practical student presentation but they just answer me with answer NOT SURE  LAH syg. so please don't syg me sgt laa. the most important that i want to highliht here is KALAU BOLEH AKU NAK TARIKH PRESENT TU CEPAT SIKIT SEBAB AKU TAKNAK STAY KAT KUANTAN LAMA SANGAT!!! OKAY,it seem like ayat "seribu luka" right?? hahahaha. yes. actually if i can i don't want to back to kuantan. there a lot of bad memories that make me cry and make me feel like rubbish! yeah but just let it be a SECRET and it being keep by myself.

to tired to cry when i see a place that can remind me to my old story. a lot of place there. yeah as u know i'm got a lot of ex boyfie at kuantan *OPSss.. as what u want to know okey. not like what u know. that why i take a decision to move here.. yeah now i also realize one thing that i can run from a problem. i need to face it with calm and cool :)

Monday 29 April 2013

Lunch with officemate :)

 today me and my best officemate johnny, andika and masyithah :)
eat together at pantry *maybe we can call it as pantry :) i'm really thankfull to god because give me the best environment here. alhamdulilah. i love u all. thanks because treat me nicely :)
all moment will be snap. hahaha. well, we all love to snap picture ..

above is all my officemate
 the girl is masyithah, andika and syafaat.

                                                                             this is kak ekin :)
this is me and johnny :)

life without love is nothing ~

Life without love is nothing. am i right? yes i think i'm right! my life is sometime full with love but sometime it was disappear like wind . zero and zero. honestly i'm so lonely. i need someone to talk. to cry together. but nobody want to be with me. they come and go easy like a,b,c sometime i fell like rubbish. like a stupid person. please god, give me a strength. this is real. i want to cry. please lend me your shoulder but i got nobody around me that can calm me. 

where all my love go. where all people that love me go. i need u all. i need u all. please come back and don't ever let me alone. i just want to be your side and i promise that i will never ask u anything. my sad life. when i'm was a happy girl yes i really happy but when i become a poor girl, sad girl there no one to be my side. that really cruel. really cruel.. 

today i want to be alone. sit alone without no one by my side and i fell like stupid.. i deactived all my social network. Facebook. twitter, i don't know. but it just for a while and let everyone find me. i want to be alone. please just leave me alone because this time i not need anyone to be my side. i just want to be silent till my birthday and till someone feel lonely without me by his side. yeah i really want him to be like that. i will do it.