Tuesday 30 April 2013


haish.. pening nak memikirkan. dah banyak masalah saja je aku nak tambah lagi masalah. kenapa aku ni terlalu takut untuk berdikari dan berhadapan dengan risiko ?? WHY  !! please herda wati! wake up and be more matured. u need to be young! indipendent.
i will finish my internship on this 3 may 2013. the point right now is i want to back kuantan on 4 may. but i really really don't know how to go there. YA ALLAH, please help me. make me to be the brave one. who can face the fate. haishhh sometime i realize that i'm a bad person which just know to "MENGELUH" but never want to change or fix it. what a shame on me. to tired to think. maybe there something besides what was happen on me now. god know everything and i hope it just only the best for me. Aamin :)

i want to learn to be someone which is indipendent but how? I NEED TO CHANGE !! yeah because i still have a chance :)

oh no! i really feel bad because i ask my friend about the due of practical student presentation but they just answer me with answer NOT SURE  LAH syg. so please don't syg me sgt laa. the most important that i want to highliht here is KALAU BOLEH AKU NAK TARIKH PRESENT TU CEPAT SIKIT SEBAB AKU TAKNAK STAY KAT KUANTAN LAMA SANGAT!!! OKAY,it seem like ayat "seribu luka" right?? hahahaha. yes. actually if i can i don't want to back to kuantan. there a lot of bad memories that make me cry and make me feel like rubbish! yeah but just let it be a SECRET and it being keep by myself.

to tired to cry when i see a place that can remind me to my old story. a lot of place there. yeah as u know i'm got a lot of ex boyfie at kuantan *OPSss.. as what u want to know okey. not like what u know. that why i take a decision to move here.. yeah now i also realize one thing that i can run from a problem. i need to face it with calm and cool :)

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