Tuesday 30 April 2013


hye today is LABOUR DAY, so HAPPY LABOUR DAY's to all workers out there and inside here. hahaha, to me also :) *yeah happy labour day to :)

okay, today i'm work :) . i just on my we-chat at office because i'm using this office WiFi line. so if i not going to work i will offline. there nobody can contact me :) so this morning i'm on my wifi line and i got some wechat voice message from my ex-boyfriend :) mr. Z, he told me that he is ontheway to going to kl. that is yesterday message , then i text him, morning and wish "HAPPY LABOUR DAY " and he reply it. then we chitchat till he ask me where i will going to work after i end my practical session. i told him that i got an offer from this company.and he also give me some advice "jangan nak enjoy sgt" yeah i know it man. well thanks for give me some advice :) u make my day smile :)

oke. even he is just my ex , i was lying if i say that i never love him. i always love him because he is my memory. which i smile and i cry when i think about it, but my love to him is not like before and to accept him is hard for me. because i already know who is he actually and what he do to me before is make me realize about something.

i always remember every second that i spent with him, every tears that i waste for him. and now i accept him back as my friend. it hard to forget him but i realize that it he is not for me, in what way i have done he still not for me. so i thak to allah and i know allah was plan something better for me. insyaallah :) AAmIN :)

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